Archive of Team payments
To be completed within five working days of the project finishing
Please refer to these wallet addresses and payment sheets in the steps below.
Team Payments Reminder
When the project finishes, during the retro and via the projects Discord communication, remind the team to submit their payment request and/or invoice. In the payment documentation, we highlight that payment requests sent on the final day of the project will be paid within five working days. Payment requests received later are subject to a delay.
Payment Link:
Paying the team
After completing the project, please submit the following typeform to make sure everyone gets paid:
Finance Completion Typeform (for xDAI projects)
As part of the process in the Typeform, you'll send the final invoice to the client. It is the responsibility of the Creative Director to make sure this is paid in a timely manner. The Creative Director is not paid until the final project payment has been made.
xDAI Payments
For xDAI payments, execute the payment requests in the xDAI on Gnosis sheet. You can find the corresponding wallet in the list above.
Deep Distribution
For DEEP distribution, go to the DEEP tokens tab in your creative director payment Google Sheet (links above):
Check all DEEP calculations are correct.
Copy the rows to: DEEP tokens to be distributed (a new Google sheet on the link).
In COLUMN M: Add your name
In COLUMN N: Add the project name
In your sheet, you can move the tokens to the 'Paid' tab
What happen's next?
The amounts will be checked at the monthly finance meeting.
New tokens will be minted as part of the monthly finance process.
The Finance Director will distribute the new tokens (no transactions for the creative director/representative 👍)
Check payment requests are accurate:
Each Creative Director has their own payment spreadsheet sorted by project. Find yours in references above.
Check for the following:
Team members are requesting the correct amount.
Experts and collaborators stuck to their agreed payment split, and the total of their two payments adds up to the correct amount on the project budget.
E.g. Experts payment + Collaborators payment = experts rate + mentoring fee
If this isn't correct, talk to the team to resolve before making any payment.
Check for any duplicate payments or mistakes.
Has the final client invoice been paid?
If the final invoice has not been paid, do not make payments to the Creative Director, Product Creators or Departments.
Export Payment CSV
Copy the first five columns of the payment spreadsheet.
Create a new google spreadsheet
Paste the first five rows, you should have a spreadsheet that looks like:
Go to File, Download, Common Separated Values (.csv)
This will download a .csv file.
Make payments via Gnosis SAFE
Go to your Gnosis SAFE where the client revenue was received. You can find this in the reference list at the top of this page.
Go to Apps then open "CSV Airdrop"
Upload the CSV.
Check the data output corresponds to your spreadsheet and no errors have been made.
Note: a common error is a mistyped wallet address or a wallet address with a space at the end, troubleshoot and correct if necessary.
Sign the transaction in your wallet.
Second Creative Director Sign
For the payment to go through, a second signature is required from another Creative Director. This is a check system to make sure what your sending is correct and for any UI/wallet hacks. Make sure the Creative Director you reach out to is aware of what they're checking.
Go to Transactions > Queue
Select the transaction and copy the link.
Send the transaction link to another Creative Director and ask them to approve the transaction.
Execute Transaction
Once the transaction has two confirmations, you can execute.
Use the link above to find the transaction. Or go to Transactions > Queue.
Click the execute button.
Execute the transaction from your wallet.
There will be a small gas fee in xDAI. If you don't have any xDAI, please reach out to Charlie as Finance Director to provide you with $1 for transactions.
Mark Payments Complete
In the spreadsheet to make sure there are not duplicate payments.
Alert the #payments channel in Discord to the payment being made.
Paying Creative Director and Departments
Client final invoice paid?
If this is paid, you can now pay the Creative Director, Product Creators and Departments.
Repeat the process outlined above for paying the team.
Late team payment requests
Team members are paid within five working days of project completion and are instructed to submit their payment request on the final day of the project. If they send their payment any later, they have the following terms:
*Please note, if an invoice or payment request is not sent on the final project day, and the creative director has already made the team payments, the creative director may take up to 15 working days to complete the payment. This helps the creative directors make the payment on one day and not chase or pay individually.
Repeat the process outline above for paying the team within 15 days of receiving a payment request.
Last updated
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