Invoice & Statement of Work


Please send the invoice and statement of work within one day of the client confirming the dates. It is of the upmost importance to guarantee the dates for the team and have the project confirmed.

Please confirm payment of the invoice and confirmed statement of work before continuing any further with the project setup. The project is not confirmed to the team until the client has paid - this is a priority to not lose the team.

Create Project Confirmation

Create the upfront invoice

1) Create a new invoice by copying this template: Google Document

The wallet address in the template above corresponds to the Deep Work Treasury. If you have access to it or know who can access it, you can leave it as is. Alternatively, use a wallet that you have control over.

2) Edit the parts in red. Video guide to creating an invoice:

3) Move it to this Google drive folder and save the view-only URL. You will add it to the statement of work below.

Make sure the upfront invoice covers the costs of the team. If there is an iteration in the sprint, there will be an interim invoice. In those cases, make sure the interim invoice covers the work that is done by the team during the iteration.

We typically give clients 7 days to pay after an invoice gets sent and before we send out a reminder. Unless paying the invoice is before an urgent project start. It's the balance we've found between making sure we cover our costs and not giving the client the negative experience of being chased.

Create the onboarding Typeform

Set up:

  • Go to Typeform

  • Go to the Design Client Onboarding Workspace

  • Duplicate the PROJECT or RETAINER Template


In the new Typeform, edit the following:

Question 2) Edit the link to the quote and proposal

Question 3) Create and upload a process and assumptions video:

  • Create a video to onboard the client to the process and highlight the project assumptions - see the template video for the script.

  • You can do this via Loom, you then need to download the video and upload to Deep Work's YouTube account.

Question 6) Edit the fees and payment:

  • Delete the irrelevant schedule (e.g. Hypersprint)

  • Edit the amounts

Confirmation screen

Finalize Typeform

  • Enable notifications for sign-ups:

  • Click publish

  • Copy the live link

  • Test the form

Send Client Email

Send the client a message, asking them to confirm the statement of work by submitting the Typeform and pay the invoice. If necessary, refer to the following template:

Message Template

Confirmation and 5-day reservation

When confirming the dates to the client, make sure they are aware that the dates are locked in for 5 days before being released to potential other clients.

If the client hasn't signed the SoW and paid the invoice after 5 days, make sure other Creative Directors are aware of it in the discord.


Only once the payment is made and the statement of work agreed is the project confirmed. It is up to the creative director to chase the client and confirm the project the project go ahead with the team. Once the project is confirmed, you need to set up the project:

Confirm to team

Once the client has paid the upfront invoice, you can confirm with the team the project is going ahead.

Stakeholder confirmation

  • Confirm with the client who is going to be the decider or that the key stakeholder is going to be on the workshops.

  • If this is not the person you have negotiated with and/or signed off the project, make sure you connect with this person before the project starts. Make sure they understand the process and scope of the project.

Contract negotiations

If the client signals that they wish to negotiate or make changes to our Statement of Work. Do not start any work to set up the team or project. The process can take longer than expected and only let down both the team and the client if we can't start when we say we can start.


  • Tell the client that you'll find the first available start date once the Statement of Work is agreed and signed. If they wish to lock in dates to start as soon as possible, they can pay a deposit to lock the team.

Locking in team dates with a deposit

If a client has an urgency for dates, you can create a deposit invoice.


  • Create an invoice for $5,000 to your creative director wallet.

  • Recommend the client can pay the invoice to lock in our earliest availability. Explain that if there is an issue in signing the Statement of Work or paying the upfront invoice before the first workshop, the client will loose the deposit.

  • In the event of the deposit being lost, the team splits the payment according their percentage share of the project costs. This is calculated by the Creative Director.

  • The goal is have a team committed to dates and not be out of pocket for booked time.

Last updated