
This is an example for recommendations to the Hummingbot team after summarising the feedback.

The analysis report contains everything from above and should be the basis for the presentation. The most challenging part is bringing in your personal experience and predictions to guide the client in the right direction of improvement. After analysing how people on average react to the affordances of the designed product, you can write suggestions and clear opportunities for improvement.

When writing the report, remain objective but clear. Always start on a positive note (and explain what the team did well), even if the feedback is predominantly negative. Make sure it's apparent why certain design decisions were good and suggest improvements on those that weren't good.

When relating or citing individual users, always put them in context with the rest of the feedback. If one person left a specific comment, that doesn't mean it represents the majority.

The written recommendations are normally clearly separated in several parts. Here is an example from Hummingbots GUI:


Based on the feedback, there are a few obvious changes we can make to improve the concept so it works. One big advantage we have is that we are definitely heading in the right general direction! Here are a few steps we would recommend to take after this sprint:

1. Fixing the Bot/Strategy distinction

Especially for new users it's crucial to understand the difference between the bots and strategies, which is currently ambiguous in the Bots panel. This can be fixed easily by changing the content on the Bots panel (e.g. describing what bots are and a clear CTA to create a new bot, diving into choice of strategies from there) and distinguish Bots and Strategies clearer in the sidebar (e.g. "Active Bots" or "My Bots"). Fixing this affordance is the lowest hanging fruit with the most reward and will make sure that people get intrigued by creating bots immediately. Also, we suggest testing a version of what a populated bot panel would look like.

On the Bot Overview screen, it might be helpful to show a few more details about the bots performance too, a few testers asked for a trade history table (as a list opposed to a graph) and its net profit. The balances of the bot in the overview should also offer the ability to rebalance accounts.

2. More detailed P&L visualization

Which leads to the second point - profit and loss on the dashboard should be clearer and almost all testers mentioned looking for a profit visualization over time, with ability to go more into details. While we deliberately left out details and the tab "Holding" would supposedly contain this information, it seems to be useful for users. In addition to the P&L, the current balance and portfolio needs a different format. Almost everyone felt confused by the separation and would have preferred a combination of both. We suggest combining the portfolio panel and the balances panel and make sure it's observable (especially with very many currencies) while offering the ability to see details like unbalanced exchanges.

3. Keep the community but make it less about strategy sharing

The community aspect is definitely very appealing and all testers were positively surprised by it. Based on their feedback though, not many would share their own creations, especially if they made them good money. A way to maintain a community would be to focus more on overall onboarding and configurating bots - users helping users. Either for those who are already knowledgeable enough in coding their own strategies or for newbies who just need to understand how to get into it. Popular and working examples are Stackexchange or Coursera communities/forums.

4. Quick UX fixes

When testers chose a strategy from the community, most didn't think it was necessary to see the code right away, especially since "it could have hundreds of lines" and only relevant to experts. Using the strategy lightbox to display its config and scannable parameters first, while hiding the code in a sub-tab would make it a lot easier for users with different levels of expertise to understand them.

When creating a new bot, we also suggest to customizing the "New Bot Creation/Configuration" screen to its selected strategy and accordingly dividing exchanges into centralised/decentralised as well as separating the token pair into base token and quote token. Or list token pairs in a dropdown, similar to how it's done on Binance. Also mentioning the root strategy at the top, next to "Jim's Strategy".

Last updated

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