Long Term Goal

The Long Term Goal is the key statement decided on during the workshops, which guides the team through the design process. It's a short sentence capturing the vision of the project under optimal circumstances.

When writing the user research report, you can write a paragraph about whether user's reactions matched with the expected long-term goal and if not, suggest re-designs to move closer to it.

Examples of Referring to Long Term Goal


"In two years, free, seamless and default choice for collaboration and composability of internet services, enabling better innovation and fairly distributing revenues among creators by hosting the most services on the most reliable network."

Generally, the product concept performed very well with users. “I like it! It’s a great evolution [of previous Fluence proposition(s)]” (user quote)

There are three main areas to improve the product:

  • Better communicating the value proposition for users

  • Adjusting the order of actions to match the mental model of developers deploying code to the cloud

  • Provide progress steps, helpful hints and examples

As users are price-sensitive, if it was made clear that a user could offset their own hosting costs by licensing their functions as a package, this could be a great motivator - for both contributions and adoption.

The main blockers to use is cost, especially for hobbyists. Users want to try before they buy.

"If [Fluence] was way slower or more costly than the way we’re doing it now, we wouldn’t use it. But it fits in very well with what we’re doing. If cost and performance are the same or a tiny bit more than Lambda, we would 100% use it, and make UI for our customers to use through Fleek. We see how some of their processes could be replaced by this.” — Harrison at Fleek


"In two year Hummingbot is the definitive open source trading framework: every company is using it for something slightly different."

There was expressed interest in using Hummingbot and getting involved with the community, through strategies mainly, and a desire to get started and try it out.

The participants all came from different backgrounds and each had different intents in using something like Hummingbot. In that respect, Hummingbot would be used by a wide spectrum of users for varying purposes, but those users need clearer direction as to how it would benefit each of these users with their particular needs.

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