
Evaluate request or stakeholder journey

An Organizational Designershould have a specific request or may have created a stakeholder journey, capturing all relevant steps of the new organizational design. Make sure you understand how all steps are connected, their purposes and the overall goals of each stakeholder. Understand the reasons behind the choice of specific tools, some may need re-evaluation, for some there might be lower cost/higher quality alternatives.

Existing updates:

New Creative Director

New Department or Change of Representative

Depreciating a Department

Removing a Creative Director or Representative

Editing or Creating Product Creator Fees

Research and explore tools

Based on the stakeholder journey and the biggest challenges to be addressed, research tools that will support the stakeholder journey, reduce friction and ensure an overall delightful experience for the stakeholders/users.

Find the most low-cost collection of tools that will solve the problem. Keep in mind that the onboarding friction to these tools should be as low as possible too, ideally reducing friction in the short- and long term.

During this research phase, you also want to estimate the amount of work the implementation will take in order to negotiate and agree on a fair compensation for the system update.

Sketch storyboard including relevant tools

In case this has not been part of the workshop, communicate the best solution you could find and seek approval from the Organizational Designer by sketching a storyboard.

Prototype solution

Based on your research, find the easiest way to set up a small prototype environment of the update. You can use screenshots of the tools stitched together in Figma or a short implementation of the user journey.

If the update is small enough, you can also create it in a safe environment that will not affect the rest of the organization.

Ensure the quality of the update

Depending on the complexity of the update, there are three options to user test a new update in a safe environment:

  1. Ask the Organizational Designer and discuss the update 1:1

  2. Contact a few people who will be affected by the system update and ask them for their opinion, showing them the update and explaining how much that will affect their work

  3. Conduct structured user interviews, asking potential users who will be affected by the change to interact with your prototype and provide feedback (conducted by a User Researcher).

Discuss with the Operations Officer which option will be the most suitable given the complexity of the update.

After you received the feedback, discuss it with the Operations Director, in case additional changes are needed.

Rollout solution to the current system

Implement changes or a new tool or update the current infrastructure of existing tools (Typeform, Zapier, etc.)

Add changes to the documentation in GitBook.

Last updated

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