Getting Paid

There are several scenarios for invoicing or requesting payment from Deep Work.

Payment Method

Please make sure you have read and understood the timings and Payment Terms before getting paid.

Make sure you have signed up for an account and connected the correct wallet on the following applications:

The currency will depend on the project, but all payments are made on the Ethereum main-net. Depending on the project, you may also receive DEEP tokens, which will allow you to Participate in Governance.

Project-based work

The project exists in Deep Teams:

For all project-based work, you'll be paid through the Deep Teams application by the project owner (e.g. the Representative or Creative Director).

The project does not exist in Deep Teams:

If there is no project on Deep Teams:

  • Send a request to the stakeholder (normally the representative) to agree to a payment and that the project or task is completed.

  • Send a request to the stakeholder and ask them to complete the making payments steps (payment could happen at the end of the month as per the payment timings).

Other Payments

Profit bonus scheme

Every month, subject to a decision in the monthly budget meeting, Deep Work distributes a share of gross profits to everyone who contributed as a bonus scheme. The more gross profit Deep Work generates, the higher will be the profit bonus. Most contributions to the resilience of Deep Work are compensated this way. Read more here.

Praise for small tasks

If see anyone doing something valuable, you can give them praise (by typing /praise in any channel on Discord). This will put them on a list, which will be reviewed and compensated by representatives every month.


You can submit and claim bounties in Discord.

Suggested off-ramps

Suggested by our community:

The above are suggested routes, please do you own research and understand any risks when transacting with cryptocurrencies, tokens and external providers not associated with Deep Work.

Payment Timings

Payments are made by:

  • Team members are paid once a project finishes by the Creative Director.

  • Creative Directors and Departments are paid once the final invoice is paid.

  • All other payments are paid once per month by the sixth working day of the month.

  • See the full terms below.

Payment Terms

Invoicing and Personal Taxes

You agree to the following:

I understand the relationship between Deep Work Ltd and myself is that of "independent contractor" which means I am not an employee, worker, agent or partner, and I will not give the impression that I am.

I am fully responsible for all my own tax arising from carrying out any services.

If Deep Work Ltd has to pay any such tax I understand I am liable to pay back in full any tax, fine or other punishment imposed on Deep Work Ltd as a result of not declaring or paying my own taxes.


Payments are made via the Deep Teams Application. For your own accounting, you may need to create an invoice. Invoices will need the following details:

1) Your full name or company name

2) Your address

3) Relevant tax identification numbers according to your (or business) country of residence.

4) VAT or equivalent number if invoicing from the European Union.

You can address the invoice to:

Deep Work Ltd Intershore Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands


Team Payments

As long as the team member has signed up to Deep Teams by the last day of the project.

The project's creative director will make the payment within 5 working days of the project finishing and the final client invoice being paid.

If there is a delay in the final invoice being paid, the Creative Director can decide to pay team members (not the Creative Director(s), Creator Fees or Gross Profit) on or after the final day of the project.


Paid on the 6th working day of the following month by the department representative.


*Please note, if a user has not signed up for the Deep Teams application and applied for the correct role payment, and the creative director has already made the team payments, the creative director may take up to 15 working days to complete the payment. This helps the creative directors make the payment on one day and not chase or pay individually.

If there is an error on your payment request or the wrong amount is requested, this may cause a delay.

We may have to delay or in extreme cases hold the right to deny payment if a project is completed and thirty days pass without a payment request.


Deep Work will not pay invoices that have not been agreed or include rates that are above what is documented in our docs, discord, etc.

It is your responsibility to check the rate you should invoice with a Deep Work creative director before work commences. If it is higher than what is agreed or documented we can refuse payment of any excess.

Client non-payment

If the case of a client not paying, please make sure you agree and understanding the following terms before agreeing to any project:

Last updated