Create a new function
Understand the taxonomy
Creating and refining accurate documentation of your workflow is relatively simple, but requires introspection and truthful self-reflection.
The general format of a function is the following:
Goals - What is the function supposed to accomplish? The goals need to be clear and tangible outcomes of executing the function successfully.
Hazards - What can go wrong when the function is executed inadequately or not enough attention is paid to it? Ensure documentation of the larger-scale, observable consequences of the inadequate operation.
Requirements/constraints - What is required to execute the function successfully? What does the operator need in order to do their work well? What are the constraints of the function and what should not/cannot be done?
Workflow - A granular breakdown of all important steps of the function. It should be educational and act as a guide and reference for future contributors.
Record or write down your workflow
Document your process from start to finish, including all details you consider important or unique to your circumstances.
You can use Google Meet or GPT to record yourself explaining it and transcribing it if you prefer not to write.
Before you move to the next step, make sure you are at least confident about a list of "steps". Think about how you would describe your work to someone else. While recording, you can also dive deeper into the details of each of the steps.
Create a draft with AI
You can use the following GPT prompts to quickly get a helpful result:
First, extract the relevant content from your personal perspective, by giving a clear indication of your workflow:
Describe how [your name as mentioned in the transcript] approaches each of the following points:
Example: Be present on-site and online
Example: Capture fresh and authentic content
Example: Build a media library
GPT will use the same breakdown and expand on each element by referencing the transcript. Then, format it into a readable guide. You can also add a prompt to not modify the previous text too much.
Re-write this into an instructive guide, without modifying the details:
This will create the first version of the workflow which you can refine in the next step.
Which goals does [your name] mention for this function?
Which hazards does [your name] mention as a consequence of inadequate execution of the function?
What are requirements or constraints for the operator of this function?
Additional information
You can prompt GPT to extract additional information or tools the interviewee uses for their work.
Review and refine
GPT is not a replacement for quality control, so please make sure to review everything for accuracy before publishing or sending it to a project owner or representative.
The granularity of the first workflow does not need to be high if you simply want to negotiate compensation and communicate your personal approach to work.
Feel free to improve your workflow by copying ideas from similar functions in this documentation. But remember that you also will have to follow the workflow when executing the function.
Last updated